Avril proudly supports the following charities and organisations dedicated to conscious collaboration in the preservation of life.
Click on any picture below to take you to their site and read about their fantastic work in Australia and the world. Avril is committed to being a positive force for the planet personally. Her carbon footprint and the footprint of her service work has been contributing to global healing both practically, financially and with massive effort on her part. Apart from maintaining natural bushland on her property, including a thriving Koala habitat, Avril has also chosen
Bank Australia, which have a serious platform to ensure money is used for life in so many ways! Since 2008, Avril has either had off the grid power or 100% green power in every residence, including the retreats.
Avril is also guided to choose a student or client in need every year who receives extra attention and support for free. Not only this, but since Covid19, Avril has also reduced the cost of her sessions dramatically and began to give away every single one of her previous classes, to help raise the consciousness of the planet through difficult times. Avril has always promoted her students and others who support others, every chance she gets as the purpose of her work has always been to increase the light and life on the planet. She has also written inspiring newsletters and given away free advice in many formats for years.
Avril will never stop giving all she can. She believes everyone should 'justify their existance', by taking part in all they are inspired to and by cocreating a better world for all.