Channelling Intensive Workshop - Part 1
Special Note: Welcome to the downloadable copy of the old class Avril ran on 'Channelling Intensive Workshop' in 2009. With so much new content coming through from Spirit, Avril is not able to offer feedback with this content any longer, which is why it has been turned into a Broadcast only. You may read references to feedback required throughout these notes, but as this is no longer an online class and is simply offered as a Broadcast of information, you can ignore these prompts. We've left these prompts for feedback in the notes, as they are good indications of when you might want to reflect for yourself and write your experiences in your journal. Enjoy!
Opening Your Channel
Channelling is without a doubt, the most important tool for any spiritual seeker. To this point on your journey, you may have relied on teachers, mediums or healers to provide you with information. Learning to channel clearly, gives you a library card to the stars, so you yourself can download information on any subject you choose.
After so many years of teaching channelling I can tell you, I am incredibly passionate about sharing information with students on channelling. I love to see the transformation, which happens for each student.
In the beginning, ALL students are 'not sure' if what they are receiving is their mind or desires or if the wisdom is from the Spirit world. Over the series of this class, you will learn to tell the difference.
Knowing you can access wisdom on any subject is empowering to say the least, but channelling is much more than downloading information. A clear channel can download healing energy for themselves and others. They can make spiritual art, communicate clearly from the Spirit world and rely on this wonderful guidance to improve every single area of their lives. They can even channel energy into their love-making sessions!
With practise, you will be able to get information from where to find your lost keys, to more intensive concepts like understanding the state of Global Consciousness.
Channelling opens many doorways for you to rely on your own spiritual abilities. Each student finds the empowerment of knowing, they hold the power to transform their lives. Watching this realisation is a true gift to the teacher as well, so welcome!!! I know we're both going to enjoy this journey together!
What is Channelling?
Simply put, being a channel is like being a garden hose. The Spirit world is the tap and whatever you are sharing the information with, is like the different flowers in the garden you are watering. A Channel is a vehicle for energy to travel through. Nothing more. Being a 'clear' channel, which allows the unhindered flow of energy, is the hard part!
The Three Keys of Channelling
To unlock the door and your gifts of channelling you need three things. I call these the 'keys'.
1)- The information you receive during channelling sessions must flow through your hose unhindered. Your Soul's energy system is this 'hose'. It consists of your Central Channel of Energy and your Chakras. You can see this Central Channel of Energy and your Chakras in the picture below.
As the energy you're channelling downloads through your Central Channel, it flows out different Chakra cones. You can think of the Chakras as the flowers in your garden. The garden has many different flowers in it. As you are able to allow energy to flow out each Chakra, each one will create a different result! We'll discuss these different results in a moment.
So the first key is, you must have a clear Central Channel (hose) and open Chakras, which allow the energy you are downloading to flow out of them unhindered.
2)- The second key is, as the energy flows out into different Chakras and is used for different purposes, some of these Chakras will allow the energy to flow through quite naturally. Others may be blocked or need some practise to open. You need to recognise where your natural channelling abilities lie, set some goals about what gifts you would like to enhance and understand the achievement of these goals, is a work in progress. At the completion of this module, you'll know where your most natural channelling abilities lie.
All students can open all of these Chakras and use all the available gifts, with a little practise.
Which Chakras Channel What?
Now lets look at what kinds of gifts come through each Chakra.
Crown Chakra – All channelling energy flows from the Universe into this Chakra. You need this channel open, regardless of what gifts you want to work with.
Third Eye Chakra – Here we can see visions. We are often downloaded information on what is to come, new inspirational ideas or visions of creation.
Throat Chakra – With this Chakra we can speak for Spirit. We may pass on verbal messages.
Heart Chakra – Here we can channel healing life-force healing energy for ourselves or others.
Solar Plexus Chakra – Here we can channel intuitions, information for our self and feelings.
Sacral Chakra – With this Chakra we can channel Spiritual Art or channel Divine energy into our lovemaking experiences.
Base Chakra – This Chakra is primarily used for Trance Mediumship and is usually the last one to develop for a Channelling student.
If the Chakra system is blocked in any way, you do not get such a strong current through your hose and you will not get clear information.
So for example, if you were intending to channel verbal messages, you would need to ensure, your Throat Chakra was as clear as possible. If you wanted to receive visions, your Third Eye Chakra would need to be an open vessel for communication. Lot's of thoughts would hinder the information coming through.
For this reason, the second key a Channelling Student needs to learn, is how to clear and empty their Chakras. We'll talk more about what blocks up Chakras and how to clear and empty them soon.
3)- The third key, well, you must also be connected to a tap! If your Crown Chakra is not open enough, you don't have a tap connection!
The Crown Chakra opens when our Heart and Base Chakras are energised and aligned. In the beginning, these three Chakras are very important for a Channelling students gifts to begin evolving.
The Base Chakra's most important feature is to help us stay grounded. Often, spiritual seekers 'know' there is a better, more loving way to live, than the world around them sometimes feels. They can feel very separate from the world. As a result, their Base Chakra is not grounded enough. It is as disconnected from the world, as they feel.
You need to want to live in the world to be a clear channel. Channelling is not about escaping into the spiritual realms. It is about bringing the spiritual realms to you, in this world. When you do this, you can enjoy the bliss of the spiritual realms in your everyday life.
You will know if you are ungrounded because you will feel dizzy, 'spacey' or like you cannot stay focused. If you feel this way, I will give you many techniques to help ground your energy over the course of this class.
The Heart Chakra only opens once the Base Chakra is grounded. Once we feel we are living in the world, we can then open up our Heart Chakra, to give and receive energy with others. We open to the compassion of humanity and its beauty, rather than only seeing the negative. Life becomes a joyous place, where we enjoy and live as one with all.
As our Heart Chakra opens, we are connected to the love in ourselves and in life. It is only this 'love' state, which can bridge the connection between our Heart Chakra and Crown and open us up to channel clearly.
There is a Universal Law, which states 'Like Attracts Alike'. When we feel and experience love, we can then connect to the love in the Universe. All Spiritual Guides, Light Beings, Angels and Beloved Spirit Friends are Love itself. Until we are vibrating in love, we cannot connect with their realm, nor their Divine energy and wisdom.
So in short, to get your tap connection, you need to love being here, love the world, love other people and this will open the door to connect with the loving spiritual realms.
If you currently have trouble with feeling this way, remember, it is only your perception that changes your reality. There are beautiful things everywhere around you, if only you choose to open your eyes and see them. I'll be helping you to see this with your exercise for this module.
The picture above shows what happens when you channel. In picture A, you can see the person's energy is plugged into the 5th dimension (top) and deeply grounded in the Earth's 5th dimensional light (bottom). They are plugged into the tap (top), where Universal energies flow to them. This person would receive very clear information from the Spirit world.
In the picture above, the person's Central Channel only reaches to the 4th dimension. You'll notice that their energy extends as deeply down as it does above them. One of the fundamentals of reaching the pinnacle of our possible spiritual expansion, is being grounded. Just like a tree, the deeper your roots grow, the higher your branches are able to grow, without you falling over.
The 4th dimension is made up of the thoughts and feelings of humanity. Sometimes it is filled with beautiful positive light energies, but in times where the world is collectively stressed, (like right now with the doom and gloom about the economy) it contains all of the negative thoughts and dense frequency emotions of everyone feeling stressed, fearful, depressed, angry etc. Most of the time there is nothing 'Divine' about the energies here. This dimension is sometimes called the 'Astral Plane'. It is usually a realm of toxic energies and is of no use to us when channelling. This person would only be channelling from the mind or thoughts of themselves or others.
In the picture above, the person is not grounded at all and cannot possibly be channelling Love and Light. Their energy is so ungrounded, it has begun to go sideways into the Astral Plane. In my experience, this is the energy pattern I have witnessed in mental illness. In my experience I have found, most people with mental illness have natural spiritual abilities and can be natural channels. People who are connected in this way often get some really negative information. For example, they may have experiences with what they think are 'Spirit Guides', telling them to kill themselves. This is because they are probably downloading the thoughts or feelings of someone suicidal, from the Astral Plane. Channelled information is never negative, as those in the spiritual realms only exist in a state of love and light.
When your Base, Heart and Crown Chakras are open and expanded, your energy looks like picture A above. This is when you are receiving information from the tap of Universal Knowledge! Plugging into your Spiritual Tap in the 5th dimension and grounding properly to stabilise the energy is the third key to clear channelling.
How Does Our Energy Get Blocked?
Every single day of our lives, the energy we interact with, interacts with our own. Everything in the world you see around you is made of energy. The physical objects like walls, cars, personal items, as well other things we consider 'living' like people, pets, trees, plants and flowers are all energy. Everything is energy.
Some of these energies are lighter in frequency and others are denser.
Have you ever noticed that when you feel happy, you feel like you're 'walking on air'? When you're in love you feel like your 'up on cloud nine'? Good energies feel lighter because they are lighter in frequency. Heavier energies are denser and weigh us down. You may have felt this before when you have been incredibly sad. Do you remember your whole body feeling heavy?
5th dimensional energies are very light and fine in their frequency. If our own personal energy is very dense, it will stop you from connecting in to channel from the realms of love and light. You will be too heavy to reach these lighter frequencies of energy.
We interact with these heavier energies around us all of the time.
Have you ever noticed you came home tired and emotionally down after going to the shopping mall? This may be because your energy interacted with other people's, who were not feeling overjoyed.
You may sceptically observe this concept for now and wonder whether you are really this affected by other people's energy. I invite you to observe yourself closely for a week and see for yourself!
Consider this for a moment though, if your energy in your body is really just like a sponge and soaks everything around you in, what are you soaking in?
An environment can affect you. You may have already experienced this when you have walked into a room, someone has just had a fight in and you can feel the tension in the room.
The picture above shows a single photo of my aura, before building our Centre at Curl Curl. The next 3 pictures below were taken at 6 month intervals, after building our Centre. If you've been there, you'll know the walls are bright yellow. You can see how my Aura was effected by its new yellow colour!
People can affect you. Other people's energy patterns on us all the time. Olivia (Perfect Unison's gift shop owner) and I, always used to have a giggle because whenever we would have our Aura photo done at the Mind Body Spirit Festival, if we had been walking together for a while, they would look very similar. If we hadn't they would look very different.
Just by spending time in close proximity to others our energy pattens on one another. When people are joyous, we share light energy. When people around us are going through stress, fear or worry, they pattern us with their negativity.
We can also affect our own energy. Our thoughts and feelings are constantly either supporting or diminishing our lifeforce. Below is another Aura Photo taken when I was in a very bad way many years ago. I was going through a very bad space mentally and emotionally. You can see what it did to my energy!
In order to become a clear channel, we need to become aware of our own energy. We must engage in regular spiritual cleansing and psychic protection. Some of the things I'll be getting you to do in this class will definitely help, but if you don't know much about these concepts, it's time to learn. Click on the links above to find more information and training options.
If your energy is clogged up it may look like the picture to the right. If your energy is this messy, you won't be channelling anything clearly.
The biggest internal hindrance to clear channelling is pondering concepts of fear. I can guarantee you, just like you, every single new channelling student doubts if what they are getting is 'real' or not. Every single person wonders if it is his or her mind or spiritual guidance talking, in the beginning. To become a clear channel, you are going to need to trust yourself a little.
I want you to think of your channelling adventure, as a 'work in progress'. Let go of the fear that you will not do it 'right' or that you're 'making it up'. Just let go. Don't engage your mind, when it sends this kind of mental junk your way.
In order to open you to channelling, make the decision that you're going to give this process a go. Know that you will not be a clear channel for a long time to come. Over 10 modules, we're going to clear up your channel dramatically and make you aware of when you are clear or not, but you will still have days where you cannot channel clearly, because you've got too much of your own emotional stuff going on.
If you keep working on yourself and clearing up your channel, with the techniques I'll teach you over the next few modules, you'll learn much about how to continue cleaning up your channel for the rest of your life. Your clarity in channelling will grow with you. Think of it as a life-long process.
As we've talked about above, our energy system is effected by what we choose to allow to affect us now, but it is also still connected to what has happened to us in the past. Our energy stores the memories of our life.
We all have a story of our past. No doubt this story is filled with trials and tribulations. Such is the human condition. Our Chakras store memories of these experiences. As we cleanse our energy to become a clear channel, memories of these experiences may come to the surface. We may also filter our channelled information, based on our past experiences.
For example, think of a person in your past who you had a really negative experience with. What is their name? Imagine if you met a new person with that same name. Have you? Normally we will have an instant reaction of distrust to this new person, just because they share the same name.
Our brain processes new information, by running it past old experiences, to see if we have a reference. The same is true in channelling. So to become a clear channel we must become aware of our life experience 'filters' and how they are effecting what we are receiving. In Module 5, we're going to go into this very deeply, but for now, just be aware that every channelling student filters information.
Our Spirit Guides will work with this. They use our channelling endeavours to help us grow beyond old limitations. They will give us experiences, which test out our filters and invite us to take a new perspective on them.
If you've read Pure Spirit Volume 1 you'll know a little about my story and what lead me to my spiritual questing. Like most people I had many painful experiences in this past, one of which was abuse. I'll never forget the day I discovered how much of a blessing my past had been. Spirit guided a gentleman to me for a channelled reading, who was abusing his children and wanted help.
At that time I was still steeped in anger about the subject. I had to be aware of my filters and move past my own feelings to channel the reading for the man. In the process I learnt how the Soul of one human being, contractually decides to commit such an event to another, before birth. This happens when both Souls are still in Spirit form and are working out which experiences they'll need, to learn what they are coming to the world to learn. I learnt that this man was being of service to these children. Their pain would lead them to great self enquiry and personal understanding later on in life. I was able to see the whole situation from a bigger perspective. This led me to much healing within myself. I was able to forgive, say thank you and acknowledge the gift of my past.
I'm not saying that I condone sexual abuse here. Please don't get me wrong. At a human level I still feel it is a horrible thing, but from a Soul perspective, I have greater understanding. I have also moved past the limitations of my filters. Channelling and recognising my filters allowed me to do this. It also brought me great personal healing.
Now this was a pretty 'in your face' experience! At the time I was asking for some serious help from the Universe, so I was open to this kind of confronting growth. I was ready to find peace with my past. You may have some areas you are ready to grow in to. As you work with channelling, you will be given the opportunity to learn about yourself in whatever areas, you feel you are ready.
As we go through the modules, you will experience concepts, which are easier to channel on than others. All of them will help you learn what may still be limiting within you.
This is a natural process and one that I ask you to be continually aware of, as we work through the modules. Every single person in the world has filters and old issues, which cloud their channel. Our goal is not to be totally void of all of these right now, but to see Channelling as a process, which:-
a. lets us learn much more about ourselves.
b. helps us to be clear of limiting perceptions over time.
Learning to Channel is a great personal development process and one which will help you grow, into even more beautiful levels of personal peace.
You'll see this in action as we progress through the class. So right now, I ask you to make a promise yourself to not judge yourself for having filters. Instead, I ask you to see them as something everyone has and as a wonderful opportunity to grow.
To begin channelling we need to prepare our energy. We need to plug into the spiritual tap, get our garden hose clear, free of blockages and ground our energy, so we channel from sources of love and light in the universe. We need to become love to attract these loving energies.
In order to help you with this, your first exercise to complete the first module is to download the meditation below and complete it at least 5 times. Meditation allows us to connect with the Alpha State of brainwaves. It is one of the best tools to connect us to the realms of love and light for channelling.
As you do the meditation, I want you to notice which Chakras feel easier, as you're working with the process. Please note them down in your journal each time you complete the meditation. They may change each time!
I also want you to complete a gratitude exercise twice a day. You may like to do this in a journal.
Each morning as you wake up and each evening as you go to sleep. I want you think of 10 different things you are grateful for right now. If you want to get even more benefit from this exercise, during the day, try and focus on each experience you have. Allow yourself to see each experience as a gift and be thankful for it.
In Module 2, we will discover where your natural abilities for channelling lie and begin with some simple techniques to turn on your channelling tap even more strongly. We'll also begin downloading our first lot of information from the Spirit world! Don't forget to send me feedback on how you went with the Module 1 exercises, so I can guide you towards your natural channelling gifts!
I look forward to continuing our Sacred Journey together in Module 2.
Don't forget to return to and download the guided meditation that comes with this file! Search for the product and then click the 'download' tab, which you will only see, when you are logged in to the web site. Relax & Enjoy!
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